The popularity of Liptov is related to the number of beautiful places and attractions that you can see or try here. On this page you will find our tips for places to visit. If you haven’t tried Liptov yet, take a look at the beauty of Litptov at least in our photos. If you’ve been here before, or if you come once, you’ll definitely come back again!
Our blog / tips for activities
To the Guardian of the Forest
Walk to the Guardian of the Forest For guests with smaller children or strollers, we recommend a short
Four Pilsner one Urpín
Four Pilsner one Urpín or a Cycling route to the five beers For many cyclists, draught beer is
Žiarska chata
Žiarska chata In our blog we do not write about well-known places, because most of the visitors
To the Hunting Waterfall
To the Hunting Waterfall For more experienced mountain bikers / ebikers we recommend the cycle route under
Cycle route under the Western Tatras
Cycle route under the Western Tatras For more experienced mountain bikers / ebikers we recommend the cycle route
Spring skiing – Jasná – Chopok
Spring skiing on Chopok - it is must to try it! In our opinion, the beginning of
To Tri Vody on skis
Skiitouring to Tri Vody In the heart of the Low Tatras there is a place where three streams
To Chopok and Ďumbier with Gabika and Daniel
To Chopok and Ďumbier For people loving demanding alpine hikes we have a "must have" - autumn ascent
Čerenová skala
Čerenová skala If you like hiking with beautiful views, but you are not a fan of demanding alpine
Via ferrata Dve veže
Via ferrata Dve veže Did you know that you can also find a via ferrata in Liptov? Truth
Liptovská Mara – dam wall
Liptovská Mara Liptovská Mara is the second largest dam in Slovakia, there are many places with beautiful views
Likava Castle
Likava Castle When visiting Liptov, you should not miss the lower Liptov. One of its interesting places is
Bike round trip to the three springs
Cyklookruh k trom prameňom The beautiful nature of Liptov does not end on the groud surface, but
Kalameny – thermal lake
Thermal lake in Kalameny Near the village of Kalameny you will find a natural thermal lake where
Poludnica The ascent to Poludnica (1548 m) is a moderately demanding hike, which can be completed in 5-6
Explore Liptov
Explore the region with the widest range of summer, winter and year-round activities
Map of the wider surroundings with navigation
A place where you feel comfortable. You have everything you need to forget your normal duties for a few days. You only care about yourself and the people you care about.
Step into this world with us for a moment and imagine what awaits you there. Welcome to Tri Vody